.Four crew members included in price: Captain, chef, hostess and deckhand.
Kikötő díj
Kötelező fizetendő
2 000,00 € /hét
.To be paid in cash on the boat (1.000 - 2.000 Eur/week); Ports and anchorages have to be paid on spot in each port/anchorage (in cash), according to actual
costs. The total cost per week depends on the selected itinerary/ports of call. It is not obligatory for
the gulet to be in the port each night, the gulet can also be anchored, which lowers the mooring fees.
Kötelező fizetendő
550,00 € per week/ person
.Breakfast and lunch
All inclusive helyi alkoholmentes csomag
190,00 € per week/ person
All inclusive helyi csomag
350,00 € per week/ person
All inclusive alkohol csomag
450,00 € per week/ person
.Croatian quality wines Rose, Red, White, Croatian Lager beer, water, carbonated drinks, juices, Gin Sapphire Bombay, Jameson Whiskey or Johnnie Walker Red Label, Absolut Vodka, Tequilla J. Cuervo
.Four crew members included in price: Captain, chef, hostess and deckhand.
Kikötő díj
Kötelező fizetendő
2 000,00 € /hét
.To be paid in cash on the boat (1.000 - 2.000 Eur/week); Ports and anchorages have to be paid on spot in each port/anchorage (in cash), according to actual
costs. The total cost per week depends on the selected itinerary/ports of call. It is not obligatory for
the gulet to be in the port each night, the gulet can also be anchored, which lowers the mooring fees.
Kötelező fizetendő
550,00 € per week/ person
.Breakfast and lunch
All inclusive helyi alkoholmentes csomag
190,00 € per week/ person
All inclusive helyi csomag
350,00 € per week/ person
All inclusive alkohol csomag
450,00 € per week/ person
.Croatian quality wines Rose, Red, White, Croatian Lager beer, water, carbonated drinks, juices, Gin Sapphire Bombay, Jameson Whiskey or Johnnie Walker Red Label, Absolut Vodka, Tequilla J. Cuervo