Hajóvezetői engedély – szükséged van rá?

A licencek fajtái

A hajóvezetői engedélyek némileg hasonlítanak az autós jogosítványokhoz – különböző kategóriákba sorolhatók. A gyakorlatban azonban nem az a fontos, hogy milyen kategóriájú jogosítványod van, hanem az, hogy mi a gyakorlati tapasztalatod, és hány mérföld van a naplódban. Valójában a Bareboat Skipper (IYT) / Day Skipper (RYA) engedély elegendő lehet egy jacht bérléséhez bárhol a világon. Jó időben, napközben is jogod van 20 mérföldnyire a parttól hajózni. A következő kategória a Coastal Skipper / Offshore Skipper. Ezzel a kategóriával éjszaka vitorlázhatsz 60 mérföldnyire a parttól. A yacht skipper legmagasabb kategóriája a Yachtmaster / Master of Yacht. Ennek a kategóriának a birtokában nehéz vitorlás expedíciókra is indulhatsz, például az Atlanti-óceánon túl. Ez az engedély a legkomolyabb a jachttulajdonosok között.

Az alábbiakban megtalálod a különböző országokban elfogadott hajóvezetői engedély típusokat. Kattints a vitorlás úticélodra, és ellenőrizd le, hogy rendelkezel-e az adott országban hajóbérléshez szükséges jogosítvánnyal.



International Certificate of Competence for Pleasure Craft CATEGORY IV (UP TO 3NM)

is authorized to operate boats regardless of purpose, up to 6m with engine power up to 8 kW in the area of navigation IIIB (up to 3 Nm from land or island coast in internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia and waters accessible from the sea), or to operate boats regardless of purpose, more than 6 m in length with engine power more than 8 kW as well as to run a yacht up to 20 BT in charter without crew in the area of navigation IIIB, under the condition of taking additional examination in radio service.

International Certificate of Competence for Pleasure Craft CATEGORY III (UP TO 12NM)

is authorized to operate all kinds of boats regardless of purpose, in the area of navigation III (in internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia and waters accessible from the sea) as well as to run a yacht up to 100 BT in the area of navigation III

International Certificate of Competence for Pleasure Craft CATEGORY II (UP TO 200NM)

is authorized to operate all kinds of boats regardless of purpose, in the area of navigation II (international navigation in the Adriatic sea) as well as to run a yacht up to 500 BT in the area of navigation II

International Certificate of Competence for Pleasure Craft CATEGORY I (No limitation)

is authorized to operate all kinds of boats regardless of purpose as well as to run a yacht up to 500 BT without any limitation of the area of navigation



CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY FOR SKIPPER OF MARINE PLEASURE CRAFT – C – (coastal navigation) 12 Nm from land or island coast, wind force up to 4° Beaufort

is authorized to operate boats, up to 6m with motor up to 8 kW in the area of navigation III (in internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia and waters accessible from the sea), or to operate boats, more than 6m with motor more than 8 kW as well as to run a yacht up to 100 BT in the area of navigation III, under the condition of taking additional examination in radio service.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY FOR SKIPPER OF MARINE PLEASURE CRAFT – B – (sea navigation) 200 Nm from land or island coast

is authorized to operate all kinds of boats regardless of purpose, in the area of navigation II (international navigation in the Adriatic sea) as well as to run a yacht up to 500 BT in the area of navigation II


is authorized to operate all kinds of boats regardless of purpose as well as to run a yacht up to 500 BT without any limitation of the area of navigation



Průkaz způsobilnosti k vedení rekreační jachty Průkaz způsobilnosti k vedení námořní jachty – Oprávnéní C – velitel jachty pobřežní plavby

competence to operate:

  • boats used for private purposes,
  • bareboat chartered boats,
  • yachts used for private purposes up to 30 GT,
  • bareboat chartered yachts up to 30 GT,

in internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia and waters accessible from the sea, under the condition of holding an appropriate national or foreign certificate for operating radio station if there is a radiotelephone VHF station or a GMDSS-VHF station on the boat or yacht.

Průkaz způsobilnosti k vedení námořní jachty – Oprávnéní B – velitel jachty mořské plavby

competence to operate:

  • boats used for private purposes,
  • bareboat chartered boats,
  • yachts used for private purposes up to 500 GT,
  • bareboat chartered yachts up to 500 GT,

in the area of navigation which includes international voyage in the Adriatic Sea, under the condition of holding an appropriate national or foreign certificate for operating radio station if there is a radio-telephone VHF station or a GMDSS-VHF station on the boat or yacht.

Průkaz způsobilnosti k vedení námořní jachty – Oprávnéní A – velitel jachty oceánské plavby

competence to operate:

  • boats used for private purposes,
  • bareboat chartered boats,
  • yachts used for private purposes up to 500 GT,
  • bareboat chartered yachts up to 500 GT,

without restriction on the area of navigation, under the condition of holding an appropriate national or foreign certificate for operating radio station if there is a radio-telephone VHF station or a GMDSS-VHF station on the boat or yacht.
